Building a Business Brain – Course Beta

The Course

If you’re spinning your wheels at an agency and are mid- or junior-career, and aren’t quite sure why, this crash course in how to think business-ly might be the right fit for you. If you’ve come into digital marketing with only a smattering of business knowledge you’re not sure is actually helpful, this course also might be for you. Or if you feel like you have great ideas but can’t get them across the line, this could be your jam.

To build your career rocketship, it helps to be able to speak the language of business, from ROI and market shifts rather than monthly search volume and impressions.

Fundamentally, my goal is to give you the tools to get all those fantastic ideas you have for your clients actually out of the group chat, and done. To translate your discipline-specific, awesome concepts into the language of the business so you’re able to get your leadership on-side, give you a platform…and budget or people to help do it.

Whether you’re an SEO or another digital marketing expert, this course aims to give you a foundation in business by:

  • Learn marketing and business context
  • Analyse the business in the market and what it means through established frameworks
  • Build trust and relationships with stakeholders and clients
  • How to build a buisness-led strategy with prioritised tactics that make sense and align
  • How to create and get buy-in for a strategy

This is most relevant for folks in-house, agency or as a consultant, though is most suited to mid-level career folks looking to grow their presence and ability to get stuff done.

The Curriculum

Warning, I’m actively creating this course material, so only sign up for this beta if you’re willing and able to give feedback and have a high tolerance for the unpolished stuff that may still be a work in progress.

The beta course format is a hybrid self-paced/live cohort for roughly 90 minutes a week for 6 weeks. There may be pre-recorded course material for you to watch before our live sessions, which would be a mix of going over the material and discussing more in-depth if there is pre-recorded, or actually going through the course material live 1:1 if that’s not yet happened.

The structure would be:

  • Week 1: Intro & Politics: How digital marketing sits within the wider sphere and how to understand the customer journey
  • Week 2: Analysis: Market cycles, what they mean and how to analyse the business within the market.
  • Week 3: Trust: Building relationships and the best tools to get it right.
  • Week 4: Strategy: We’ll actually walk through strategy creation and my preferred way of going about it, and why.
  • Week 5: The Sell: Managing your own communication up and out.
  • Week 6: The Exit: Wrapping up, discussion & feedback

The Schedule

For Australian folks, the beta course sessions would begin:

  • Thu 31 Oct Oct 2024 @ 4:00-5:30pm AEST
  • 7 Nov
  • 14 Nov
  • 21 Nov
  • 28 Nov
  • 5 Dec

And the sessions would be 4-5:30pm AEST. Please only sign up if you’re able to commit to that time.

If you’re based in the US or UK, the session timing would be:

  • Tue 22 Oct @ 1PM London, 8AM NY (EST) [This is 9pm in Australia, if you’re curious]
  • 29 Oct
  • 5 Nov
  • 12 Nov
  • 19 Nov
  • 26 Nov

I’m charging for this beta because…I want your feedback, and I want you to show up! It’s like going to a trainer at the gym – sometimes the only reason you go is because you’ve already sent them a cheque.

As a thank you for taking a chance on this course as it stands, you’ll get full, free access to Building a Business Brain when it’s published in full at the beginning of 2025, likely for a bit more than $200 (AUD, exc. GST).

So one last time – it’s 90 minutes with 10 or so other keen folk, once a week from early October 2024 on Tuesday morning or afternoon if you’re outside Australia, or from 4pm on Thursday if you’re in Oz.

Looking forward to it! ~Amanda

Sign up here